Head and horns of Greater Kudu, Linyaniti Concession, Ngamiland (Botswana-820) ©Neil A Meyerhoff 2015

Three elephants in defensive posture, Linyanti Concession, Ngamilland (Bostwana-958) ©Neil A Meyerhoff 2015

Elephant crossing Chobe River, Chobe National Park, Kasane (Botswana-67) ©Neil A Meyerhoff 2015

Crocodile cooling off on bank of Chobe River, Chobe National Park, Kasane (Botswana-211) ©Neil A Meyerhoff 2015

Close-up of leopard in tree, Linyanti Concession, Ngamiland (Bostwana-1848) ©Neil A Meyerhoff 2015

Leopard on termite mound, Linyanti Concession, Ngamiland (Botswana-2761) ©Neil A Meyerhoff 2015

Great White Heron taking off, Okavanga Delta, Ngamiland (Botswana-4237) ©Neil A Meyerhoff 2015

Female lion and male lion , Okavanga Delta, Ngamiland (Botswana-5128) ©Neil A Meyerhoff 2015

Cheetah on the prowl, Okavanga Delta, Ngamiland (Botswana-5598) ©Neil A Meyerhoff 2015

Two young giraffes "necking", Okavanga Delta (Botswana-6108) ©Neil A Meyerhoff 2015